Monday, October 3, 2016

Watch Your Mouth

I think I can just drop the mic after the title…. Such a small member of our body, yet a very powerful one. The words that proceed out of our mouth can either encourage, uplift, or comfort someone or they can hurt, disappoint, and even destroy. That’s why we must understand the power and weight of our words. As words come out of our mouth and are put into the atmosphere, we cannot get them back, so choosing our words wisely is the best thing to do. Do you ever wonder why when you say something offensive or hurtful to someone or maybe they say something to you, it’s hard to forget what has been said? Think of words like a scar. Someone may accidentally cut you on your arm, they apologize and tell you how sorry they are and you forgive them. Although you have forgiven them it doesn’t erase the fact that now there is a scar on your arm. Same way with our words. Once they proceed out of our mouth we can’t just seize and erase them, they’ve already been heard. So although we have forgiven someone for what they’ve said it still does not erase what was spoken. Ephesians 4:29 reads as thus: “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.” (NKJV)
So what is this verse instructing us to do? Let’s dissect this verse a little to get a better understanding. The word “corrupt” in this verse literally means putrid or rotten. But it is just not referring to communication/words that are putrid or rotten but also words that are flattery, calumny, railing, boasting, tale-bearing, backbiting, commendations of vice and impiety, profane jesting, and/or trifling conversation. But the words that come out of our mouth should be good, positive, inspiring, edifying, clean, comforting, and/or influential. Wow!! How amazing would it be for people to grab hold of this and use the power (that we all have by the way) to encourage and love on one another instead of destroy and tear each other down. There are so many scripture verses that connect us back to Ephesians 4:29. The battle for purity of the mouth begins in the heart. Well how can I say that? Because “For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” (Luke 6:45b NKJV) and we know that “Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.” (Matthew 15:11 NKJV) Defile means to spoil, desecrate, debase, or degrade. Well what comes out of our mouth……. You got it! Our WORDS! Look at how much power there is in our words. So the next time you get ready to say something out of your mouth…… Think about it! If it doesn’t inspire, influence, comfort, or edify…… Keep it to yourself! Remember there is power in your words, use it for good. Keep Calm and DIVA on!

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